Plunger Pump Range

Our high pressure CROWN brand of triplex and Quintuplex pump ranges are perfect for use on underground and mining opencast operations. The CROWN brand of 707 high pressure and ultra-high pressure pumps are used extensively in concrete demolition, removal of graffiti, descaling of marine equipment and micro-hydro-power mining systems. These pumps are also used extensively in reverse osmosis plants as well as plate descaling in the steel mill industry.
The CROWN 350 medium to high pressure triplex pump has become a standard within the South African and North and South American mining operations. Its ability to operate at pressures of up to 20 MPa and with flows ranging from 130 � 210 l/min have made this the industry�s first choice for water jetting, general descaling, plant cleaning as well as micro-hydro-power mining systems which include rock drills, roof bolters, and rock and ore loaders which would have previously been powered pneumatically.
The CROWN 250 triplex high pressure pump is a compact version of the robust Crown 350. These are used primarily on municipal drain cleaning and honey-sucker type equipment used for unblocking sewer lines as well as drain cleaning. These are also used in the coal mining industry as a high pressure pump used in conjunction with a scrubber for dust suppression. Their compact size and light weight have made the CROWN 250 the preferred mobile, trailer mounted, diesel driven high pressure pump for building contractors, fire-fighters, plumbers and plant excavators. Pressures of up to 25 MPa and flows of up to 150 l/min are achievable with this all nodular iron and steel construction.
Crown 120 and Crown 737 are an underground industrial standard known for their /mud pumping abilities with SG�s of up to 1.15. The high flow (up to 44m3/hr) and high pressures (up to 225 bar) achievable on these pumps are what make them perfect for underground mine mud transfer as well as sewage plant sludge movement. These pumps are also extensively used in steel mill plate descaling, mud drilling and for pumping light tar�s and resins within the petro-chemical industry.
Materials of construction include fabricated steel casings with bronze crosshead wear liners, nodular iron eccentric and connecting rods transferring the fluid via steel, thermally coated plungers through forged steel fluid ends. Eccentric drive is via heat treated jackshaft pinions on eccentric ring gears. The pumps recommended slow eccentric speed (120 rpm) ensures pump reliability and wear component longevity.